Digital Edge at Work!

12/12/2019 Digital Edge at Work!

Client Outing: Shooting

We took some of our clients out for a nice day of shooting! Note: Digital Edge does not condone gun violence and was participating in a shooting range.

7/24/2019 Digital Edge at Work!

Digital Edge Goes Camping 2019!

A collage of this years camping trip with the team! 

6/18/2019 Digital Edge at Work!

Small Business Exhibit Photoshoot

Recently, our CEO Michael Petrov has been featured in an exhibit "Immigrants Mean Business". This exhibit features immigrants that came to America and built up their own small business. All the photos were taken by Tesfa Alexander in this exhibit that is open on weekends until September 8th 2019! We have uploaded the photo's Tesfa took for Digital Edge!

1/7/2019 Digital Edge at Work!

Our Panama Office!

Digital Edge has a team in Panama that has been working with the Panama Maritime Authority. This is a gallery of that team and office! 

10/29/2018 Digital Edge at Work!

Digital Edge Client Appreciation Concert 2018

Digital Edge started hosting an Annual Client Appreciation Concert to show our love and support for the arts community. This being the first event, it had a great turn out! 

5/18/2018 Digital Edge at Work!

The Team Having Fun!

A small collage of the DE team throughout the years at our own events!

5/16/2018 Digital Edge at Work!

See The Team Working!

We have a hard working team that devotes their time, energy and dedication to our clients, partners and projects. We couldn't be more proud of our crew in action!