
11/12/2012 Newsletters

Hurricane Sandy – Were You Ready?

Hurricane Sandy was not only a natural disaster but a total business catastrophe for the East Coast. With power outages, failed servers and internet connections, businesses nationwide felt the impact of this storm! For North Eastern businesses, devastation was increasingly high as they are “just not used to” protecting their businesses against natural disasters of this capacity. As many companies continue to struggle behind the eye of the storm, Sandy put into perspective just how crucial an in-depth review of business continuity strategies is.

11/6/2012 Newsletters

Hurricane Sandy Awareness

As the National Weather Service predicts Hurricane Sandy to hit the East Coast as early as tonight, Sunday, October 28, 2012, please be advised that Digital Edge has taken the necessary precautions to safeguard any foreseen impacts.

10/30/2012 Newsletters

Hurricane Sandy Update!

Digital Edge Operations Live On with ZERO Downtime!

6/25/2012 Newsletters

2012 NJIT Capstone Showcase.

April 30, 2012, Michael Petrov, Digital Edge’s CEO participated in the judgment of this year’s Spring 2012 Capstone Showcase. Alongside Jay Awardena, AT&T CSO, Luke Iorio, President & CEO of the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching IPEC, and Tom Brennan, OWASP Foundation International Board of Directors / NY Chapter Leader and former FBI Infragard member of Board of Directors.

7/27/2010 Newsletters

Digital Edge & TELEHOUSE Present Cloud Boot Camp

Digital Edge along with TELEHOUSE America, DELL, and EMC presented to companies on July 15, 2010 a private Cloud Boot Camp illustrating the benefits of private clouds.

7/26/2010 Newsletters

NYC Comptroller Commendation Award

Digital Edge CEO Honored by New York City Comptroller John C. Liu

11/10/2009 Newsletters

Mosaic Coalition Tribute

Digital Edge's CEO Mr. Michael Petrov, honored as Man of the Year within Staten Island Community 

9/18/2009 Newsletters

Digital Edge Webinar: On Cutting Costs

Digital Edge creates webinar for companies, declaring the 10 Ways Of Reducing Your Data Center Infrastructure Operations Costs

2/19/2008 Newsletters

NY1 News Coverage of the 2008 Scholarship Contest

Digital Edge, Staten Island Tech Company Sponsors Scholarship Contest With A Mission

10/20/2007 Newsletters

2008 Scholarship Contest

Digital Edge sponsored there first scholarship contest amongst Staten Island High School Students.