Articles by tag "2019"

1/28/2019 Compliance

Ask Our VP of Compliance: January 2019

2019: The Year of the Data Breach, Again

“Magic 8 ball, will 2019 be the Year of the Data Breach…again?”

Our VP of Compliance says: All signs point to YES.

With the passing of laws like GDPR and PIPEDA, the Marriott Breach, New York Department of Financial Service’s cybersecurity rule deadlines, increased SEC enforcement, and increase in data breach lawsuits, by the time last December ended, there is no doubt that all industry specialists could not wait to label 2018 as the Year of the Data Breach. However, as we sit in the dawn of 2019, it is becoming ever increasingly clear, that 2019 will in fact be, the Year of the Data Breach, Again.