Articles by tag "awareness"

2/25/2020 Compliance

Ask Our VP of Compliance: February 2020

The importance of risk training. 

12/20/2019 Compliance

Ask Our VP of Compliance: December 2019

“So if we get in compliance with these requirements, we’re safe, right?”


The answer is no. Not really.

1/13/2017 Newsletters

Shining Light on the Political Hacking Crisis

Digital Edge felt it was crucial to comment on the recent news regarding the political hacking crisis. Our Security Team wanted to make the efforts of acknowledging the ways of hacking. Hackers that continue to practice have not changed their ways. They use the same methods, techniques and tricks except now everyone knows how to use them. Actual hacking isn’t composed of an actual professional anymore; a child can access codes and hack someone. Whereas, real hackers develop tools, simplify them and sell them to regular people; they don’t actually hack anymore, making the person hacking not the real criminal at hand. It has become nearly impossible to figure out who the hacker is on a technological standpoint nowadays. 

However, information securities methods have drastically improved, developed, and are now more advance than ever before. Not only is it easy to identify when someone is trying to hack you, but now it is easy to prevent someone from trying to steal your information. Digital Edge has put in its greatest efforts to create a security system that will protect our clients from any hackers and now we want you to know how to spot and avoid a hacker yourself!

Be aware of hackers with these tips and check out our website for more about Digital Edge!