Articles by tag "deadline"

9/4/2018 Compliance

DFS 500 Cyber Security Regulation Compliance Deadline: September 4th

Digital Edge Cybersecurity Compliance Team wants to remind you that all DFS Regulated Financial Services Companies are required to comply with the Regulation’s Governance Policies and Procedures, as well as Risk Based Monitoring Systems Requirements and Encryption Programs for Nonpublic Information by September 4, 2018.


Beginning on September 4, 2018, banks, insurance companies, and other financial services institutions regulated by DFS are required to have come into compliance with several additional provisions of the cybersecurity regulation that are vital to the governance and components of a robust financial services cybersecurity program.


For more information on this regulation deadline, please read more here!


As cybersecurity incidents continue to increase in frequency and severity, public companies and financial institutions should expect and prepare for increased regulatory scrutiny in the months ahead.


Digital Edge is an expert in ISO standards, and is certified by the International Standard Organization on Information Security and Quality (ISO 27001). There is a clear crosswalk between DFS law and ISO standards. Digital Edge will help to implement policies, standards and practices to cover all DFS requirements based on International Standards Organization framework.


Contact us today to further explore how our team can provide your business with an unparalleled cybersecurity solution, with our continued focus on StabilitySecurityEfficiency and Compliance