Articles by tag "fisma"

8/28/2020 Compliance

Ask Our VP of Compliance: August 2020

FISMA is the Federal Information Security Management Act. It is a high-level law that mandates a level of cybersecurity for all federal agencies and federal contractors. It was enacted by Congress in 2002 and updated in 2014.

While FISMA delegates cybersecurity responsibility to the various federal departments and agencies, it also centralizes a significant amount of cybersecurity functions (including mandates) to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and leaves the nitty-gritty standards and guidelines to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to hammer out. 

9/20/2015 White Papers

Log Management Compliance - FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act

FISMA requires all federal agencies to document and implement controls for information technology systems that support their operations and assets.

LogIT simplifies FISMA compliance with its fully automated log collection, collecting and recovery across the agency’s entire infrastructure. Providing tools at the fingertip that align the organization’s risk assessment with forensic investigations, reporting, and prioritizing settings. LogIT already automatically achieves the first level of log analysis, by categorizing log data that is identified and stabilized for easy analysis and reporting.