Articles by tag "office-365"

3/9/2018 Newsletters

Office365 Espionage Scam: Are You Aware and Ready? 

Have you noticed that the most recent reports of email scams seem to be more personal/targeted attacks? Do you feel that scammers know you? That’s because they do know you.Office 365 gives malicious agents a way to spy on you. If you don’t believe us, just google it yourself and you will see reports of Office365 vulnerabilities, hacks and exposures. Just type “Office365 security vulnerabilities” and skip paid ads section. 
Do you use Office365? If the answer is yes, Digital Edge would like to raise awareness to you regarding a new upcoming way of being hacked and then being under surveillance through your email. The majority of people use Office365 without the thought of being hacked ever crossing their minds. Because of this, it is very easy to become victim to these attackers. And there have been very serious, very extreme cases of people and companies losing thousands of dollars to these attackers.


10/30/2017 Newsletters

Alerting for Fraudulent Rules Setup in Office 365

Friends and Colleagues, 

It is critical that at this time, the Digital Edge Security Team sends an urgent warning about a wide-spread email phishing campaign aiming at Microsoft Office 365 users. The emails have subject similar to this: “View your Office 365 Business billing statement for…”

The email looks very real and our Security Team is urging what users should pay attention to when analyzing such email for authenticity.

Multiple clients have notified us about receiving said emails and some people were getting trapped by this campaign. 

Click here to read more about this incident of email phishing and possible remediation for this and further attack involving setting up spying rules in your Office 365 account.