Articles by tag "remote"

4/27/2020 Compliance

Ask Our VP of Compliance: April 2020

Free Cybersecurity Strategies for the Homebound


Well, April is almost over, and most of us are still teleworking from home. Last month I discussed some basic requirements for working remotely, and given that the coronavirus pandemic is still very much affecting our working lives, I’ve decided that this month it would be good to build on some of the concepts introduced last month.

3/25/2020 Compliance

Ask Our VP of Compliance: March 2020

Lately, and for good reason, the top thing on people’s minds has been the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Any change from normal operations will inherently be less secure, because often the processes are unfamiliar and have not been ironed out to the extent that a company’s normal operations have been. In a situation like we are facing now, with widespread teleworking, a company’s prime security concern should be the correct implementation of a strong teleworking policy.