White Papers
Global Continuity Solution
An in-depth look into our Disaster Recovery services and automation provisions.
An introduction to the custom-built Digital Edge EMS portal and all of its unique benefits.
A High-Level Overview of Who We Are and What We Can Do for Our Clients
A high-level overview of who we are and what we can do for our clients.
DBA Advisory
An overview of the advantages of our Database Advisory services.
Advanced Service Sheet
A high-level look at the expertise offered to our clients
Moving Hyper-V Clustered VM instances to a new SAN
Copy between to Cluster Shared Storage disks is very slow.
Data Center Virtualization
A look into Digital Edge’s perception and reasoning’s
Why Virtualization
An in-depth look into the different options virtualization can offer
DataCenter Services
This is an overview of the data center services Digital Edge offers