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6/28/2019 Case Studies

AWS Implementation

Digital Edge configured both AWS environments and servers to be protected from all known malicious software and attack vectors, using best of breed tools and methods to ensure environment and data integrity.

6/27/2019 Compliance

Ask Our VP of Compliance: June 2019

A common question topic posed to me, the VP of Compliance, from both non-IT and IT professionals alike revolve around the concept of RPO and RTO with regards to Business Continuity Management.  Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO) are two of the most important parameters of a sound disaster recovery plan.

This month, I explain everything you need to know about RPO and RTO! 

6/18/2019 Digital Edge at Work!

Small Business Exhibit Photoshoot

Recently, our CEO Michael Petrov has been featured in an exhibit "Immigrants Mean Business". This exhibit features immigrants that came to America and built up their own small business. All the photos were taken by Tesfa Alexander in this exhibit that is open on weekends until September 8th 2019! We have uploaded the photo's Tesfa took for Digital Edge!

6/4/2019 Newsletters

Digital Edge is a Verizon Data Breach Report Contributor Third Year in a Row!

5/28/2019 Compliance

Ask Our VP of Compliance: May 2019

Happy Birthday GDPR! On May 25th, internationally we will be “celebrating” the first anniversary of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Nearly one year later, have the stricter rules really made a difference? Consumers are definitely seeing more pop-up privacy notices online, thanks to GDPR, but for now the astronomical fines the new regulations threatened have not yet surfaced.

5/20/2019 Newsletters

Digital Edge's Script to Identify Recent Microsoft Vulnerability

In our continuing efforts to help our clients automate system administration and enforce cybersecurity's best practices, Digital Edge’s skillful and experienced team worked hard to create a script that will scan your servers for the required patch ensuring the security of your servers. 

5/15/2019 Newsletters

Urgent Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in RDS protocol. Vulnerability Score - HIGH

4/24/2019 Compliance

Ask Our VP of Compliance: April 2019

Vendor Management Requirements in CyberSecurity Standards

Are you in control of third-party risk? Do you have a sound vendor management department? Do you audit your suppliers?

3/25/2019 Compliance

Only GDPR Can Cause €56 Million in Fines in Less than a Year

In a short nine months, there has been hundreds of thousands of cases and millions in fines.

And this is just the start.

3/20/2019 Compliance

Ask Our VP of Compliance: March 2019

What Cyber Laws Apply to Me?

It is becoming ever so clear that compliance isn't an easy task handled by the IT department, but that it's a team effort from all the departments. This makes it more difficult in regards to what's applicable so our VP of Compliance has broken down all the laws into simpler terms to be able to distinguish which law you must abide!