Being Prepared and Informed
Hurricane Sandy was not only a natural disaster but a total business catastrophe for the East Coast. With power outages, failed servers and internet connections, businesses nationwide felt the impact of this storm! For North Eastern businesses, devastation was increasingly high as they are “just not used to” protecting their businesses against natural disasters of this capacity. As many companies continue to struggle behind the eye of the storm, Sandy put into perspective just how crucial an in-depth review of business continuity strategies is.
Specialized and certified as a Datacenter Management Solution Provider, Digital Edge wants your business prepared and informed!
To ensure that East Coast companies are ready to handle unexpected disasters like Sandy, Digital Edge is currently offering FREE consulting to assist in the analysis and development of disaster recovery and business continuity planning. With the help of your team, we will assess current policies and procedures to enhance and develop individual strategies that will allow your unique business to operate smoothly and effectively.
Chief Technology Officer of AIS Fund Administration, Ltd (AIS), Anthony Perugini states “We’re grateful to have Digital Edge as our partner. For AIS, Digital Edge is more than just a Datacenter Management Provider; they act as a trusted advisor and play an important role in our DR/BCP strategies. Specific to Hurricane Sandy, I can say that it was nice to know that we had a team ready to work with us, in the event of a failure. Together, we were able to maintain AIS’s operations and suffered no service interruptions.”
Digital Edge takes pride in reliability! Our operational team worked relentlessly to weather the storm for all of our clients during Hurricane Sandy. By doubling up our staff resources for around-the-clock support and instituting all necessary precautions in advance, Digital Edge was successful in maintaining service throughout the hurricane.
Sandy Reality
We work with companies on business planning daily. DR/BC are two of the most crucial subjects we reiterate to our clients and stressing the importance of them couldn’t have become more real following these recent tragic events.
Some Critical Points Sandy Drove Home:
- IT infrastructures should be in professional datacenters specifically designed to withstand disasters rather than housed within local office spaces, corporate buildings and warehouses.
- Having both a BC plan and DR facilities in place is absolutely essential. The assumption that users can simply “connect from home” in remote circumstances may not always be sufficient to remain operative. Residential outages can make this impossible.
- Disaster recovery locations need to be placed strategically in order to maximize efficiency.
- Professional datacenters should be built with flood protection, have operating generators and electrical equipment at higher altitudes.
- Your local IT team may not always be enough. Companies should consider having a backup IT organization that can manage infrastructure in conjunction with a local IT team in the event of a disaster.
- New technology such as IP services, internet, mobile phones, SMS and emails proved more stable during tough conditions than traditional over-air polls and wires.
Our FREE consultations will provide and clearly document DR/BC solutions that consider each company’s unique risk management policies, factor in industry compliance requirements and the fundamentals to operating your business remotely.
Continuing to go above and beyond, Digital Edge is here, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week unyieldingly supporting you!