
Security Update Cyber Incident Reporting

Digital Edge is committed to providing the highest levels of security within all the IT infrastructure environments under its care. In order to achieve this utmost goal for all of our clients, we continuously maintain vigilance both on the productive side of IT as well as on its destructive side. We thus publish out news and security bulletins such as this one from time to time to ensure that our clients are informed and educated on any important developments in IT security and are fully aware of what we are doing to ensure that we and our clients are always at the cutting and at the Digital Edge of technology.  

Digital Edge’s security team assists clients with cyber security forensics and often hears the question – “what is the proper way to report to law enforcements?” As a company, we aim to aid our clients in informing them on the right steps to take when dealing with a cyber-incident. There is a growing number of cyber networks that were seriously attacked and this is not a matter to be taken lightly. This is why Digital Edge feels it is important to know the right procedure. These incidents can result in serious consequences with the capability of causing lasting harm. By reporting these incidents, the government can assist them with agencies that can investigate the incident, lessen the consequences, and help avoid these cyber incidents in the future. 

Anyone who wants to report a cyber-incident has to contact their local field offices of the federal law enforcement agencies, their sector specific agency, and any of the federal agencies listed:

Threat Response

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

FBI Field Officer Cyber Task Forces: http://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field
Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): http://www.ic3.gov

These links are used to report cybercrime such as computer intrusions or attacks, fraud, intellectual property theft, identity theft, theft of trade secrets, criminal hacking, terrorist activity, espionage, sabotage, or other foreign intelligence activity to FBI Field Officer Cyber Task Forces. 
IC3 is used to report individual instances of cybercrime. They accept Internet crime complaints from both victim and third parties

  • National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force

NCUTF CyWatch 24/7 Command Center: (855) 292-3937 or cywatch@ic.fbi.gov

Links used to report cyber intrusion and major cybercrimes that need assessment for action, investigation, and engagement with local field offices of federal law enforcement agencies or the Federal Government.

  • United States Secret Service

Secret Service Field Officers and Electronic Crimes Task Forces (ECTFs): http://www.secretservice.gov/contact/field-offices 

Used to report cybercrime for example computer intrusions or attacks, transmission of malicious code, password trafficking, or theft of payment card or other financial payment information.

  • United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement/ Homeland Security Investigations (ICE/ HIS)

HSI Tip Line: 866-DHS-2-ICE (866-347-2423) or https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form
HSI Field Offices: https://www.ice.gov/contact/hsi
HSI Cyber Crimes Center: https://www.ice.gov/cyber-crimes

Cybercrime regarding: digital theft of intellectual property; illicit e-commerce (including hidden marketplaces); Internet-facilitated proliferation of arms and strategic technology; child pornography; and cyber-enabled smuggling and money laundering.

Asset Response

  • National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)

NCCIC: (888) 282-0870 or NCCIC@hq.dhs.gov
United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team: http://www.us-cert.gov

Used to report suspected or confirmed cyber incidents; this includes when the affected entity may be interested in government assistance in removing the adversary, restoring operations, and recommending ways to further advance security.

Of course if there is any emergency where there is an immediate threat to public health or safety then call 911.

When receiving a report of a cyber-incident, the Federal Government for law enforcement can use their highly trained investigators; who specialize in response to cyber incidents. There are two main federal incident responses; Threat Recovery and Asset Response. Threat Recovery attentions to accrediting, pursuing, and disrupting cyber actors and cyber activity while Asset Recovery attentions to protecting assets and mitigating vulnerabilities dealt with handling malevolent cyber activity.

For further information click here for https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Cyber%20Incident%20Reporting%20United%20Message.pdf 

If you feel that you need assistance from the Digital Edge Security team, please contact us at support@DIGITALEDGE.NET or open a ticket through Digital Edge web site at https://www.digitaledge.net


Michael Petrov
Founder, Chief Executive Officer

Michael brings 30 years of experience as an information architect, optimization specialist and operations’ advisor. His experience includes extensive high-profile project expertise, such as mainframe and client server integration for Mellon Bank, extranet systems for Sumitomo Bank, architecture and processing workflow for alternative investment division of US Bank. Michael possesses advanced knowledge of security standards such as ISO 27001, NIST, SOC and PCI that brings into any solutions delivered by Digital Edge. Security solutions and standards are expended into public cloud such as AWS and Azure.

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