Articles by tag "trojan"

6/7/2016 Newsletters

Security Update: Was TeamViewer Hacked? Digital Edge Believes it was a Backdoor Dropped by Trojan.MulDrop6.39120

Digital Edge’s Security Team is monitoring the situation with TeamViewer hacking allegations. The news broke last week – some TeamViewer users complained that intruders gained access to their computers through TeamViewer program. 
TeamViewer denied any hacking allegations but shortly following, its service was knocked off by a DDoS attack aiming DNS services, leaving more questions to TeamViewer’s Security Team. 

1. Even though the situation is still not clear, the Digital Edge Security Team sides with security expects blaming a BackDoor Trojan discovered in May of 2016. The signature for the Trojan was added on 05/26/2016. The version of Trojan -  BackDoor.TeamViewer.49 utilizes TeamViewer as its backdoor implementation and is delivered by Trojan.MulDrop6.39120 through Adobe vulnerability. Even though the Trojan is supposed to hide the TeamViewer interface and use its functions in the background, we believe that mutation of the virus (the virus uses advanced hiding techniques) can create an unpredicted effect on the systems with legitimately installed TeamViewer causing effect described by users that reported the compromise. 

Please click here for more details

As a result, we do believe that it is safe to use TeamViewer, unless your system does not have updated antivirus and does not have all latest patches installed. By saying that, the Digital Edge team urges to cautiously use this product, as there is no confirmation from TeamViewer’s Security Team or reputable security companies that our analysis is correct

2. Digital Edge security team has contacted all clients using TeamViewer and discussed preventive measures. 

3. If you are using TeamViewer please click here to see our advice how to verify that your TeamViewer was not hacked. 

If you feel that you need assistance from the Digital Edge Security team please contact Danielle Saladis at dsaladis@DIGITALEDGE.NET

Digital Edge is committed to providing the highest levels of security within all the IT infrastructure environments under its care. In order to achieve this utmost goal for all of our clients, we continuously maintain vigilance both on the productive side of IT as well as on its destructive side. We thus send out news and security bulletins such as this one from time to time to ensure that our clients are informed and educated on any important developments in IT security and are fully aware of what we are doing to ensure that we and our clients are always at the Cutting and at the Digital Edge of technology.