
10/24/2018 Newsletters

Content From Your Email is Being Cached

You have your corporate email defenses lined up. While you may be using an out of the box product such as Microsoft O365 or something more sophisticated like ProofPoint – here is what you need to know.

Although you might be as safe and secure as possible you should still be aware of the vulnerablities that exist and can affect you.  

Unless users are restricted from using mobile email apps, there is nothing that can protect you. This risk extends even to disclosure of your corporate authentication. 

Click here to read about this potential threat.

9/12/2018 Newsletters

Hurricane Florence: A Message from the Digital Edge Disaster Recovery Team

By tomorrow, Hurricane Florence is expected to make landfall in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. With strong winds predicted up to 130 mph, the storm should make its first landfall by noon on Thursday, September 13, 2018. While the storm’s path is still progressing, over 1 million people are facing mandatory evacuations.

Over the past few days, the Digital Edge Disaster Recovery Team has been virtually migrating many of its Carolinian and Virginian clients with onsite systems to virtual servers in the New York Area. Digital Edge is ensuring that business data, backups, applications, and server images are safely stored off-site. If requested, Digital Edge can coordinate the process of moving any critical systems to our Cloud environment.  

If you feel that your business is in need of Digital Edge’s Disaster Recovery assistance in preparing for Hurricane Florence, please contact the Digital Edge team

9/7/2018 Newsletters

Why Cyber Security Insurers Deny Your Incident Claims

You might’ve configured your email logging system incorrectly. How would you know until you got hacked? It’s fine -  you have cyber security insurance that will cover you right? WRONG. Recently, an undisclosed client experienced a major breach and was denied of their claim. Having cybersecurity insurance doesn't guarantee the safety net you might think it does -  not unless you meet the basic security guidelines.  Digital Edge’s Cybersecurity and Compliance experts are available to help you meet these standards in addition to protecting your infrastructure. 

7/3/2018 Newsletters

SPLA Price Increases for 2019

Microsoft SPLA Price Increases

Good Afternoon Digital Edge Customers,

We are writing to you today to inform you of changes to monthly Microsoft licenses. (The Microsoft Service Provider Licensing Agreement, or SPLA, is designed to provide customers hosted software services including web services, database services and applications.)

We received communication from Microsoft regarding the expected price changes for January 2019. Please see the information below. Once we have official set dollar amounts we will communicate that information as well. Please let me know if you have any questions! We want to make sure you have this information as soon as possible to give you as much time as possible to plan for these changes.

Programs Impacted – Corporate

Effective January 1, 2019 prices for the following products will increase: 

  • By 10% for Windows Server Standard Core 
  • By 15% for Windows Remote Desktop Services SAL 

For more information regarding these changes, or to speak with the Digital Edge team, please contact us today!

6/20/2018 Newsletters

CISSP Certification

6/1/2018 Newsletters

Digital Edge Successfully Passed ISO 9001:2015 Audit!

On Tuesday, May 29th, Digital Edge passed the International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) Quality Management Surveillance 1 Audit using the 9001:2015 framework! ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 161 national standard bodies. ISO is credited for publishing more than 2100 international standards, covering almost every industry, from technology, to food safety, to aviation and healthcare.
Digital Edge is also certified in the ISO 27001:2013 framework for Information Security Management. The ISO 27001 is a specification for an information security management system (ISMS). Digital Edge protects businesses from threats, including internet fraud, hacking, overseeing of transactions and other cyber security threats. Digital Edge guarantees our clients are receiving outstanding services. 
Digital Edge is offering assistance in becoming compliant for any type of standard or certification. Our VP of Compliance is knowledgeable in ISO, DFS, NIST, HIPPA, GDPR, as well as any other standard our clients want to be compliant with. Digital Edge also sends out monthly newsletters informing them about most asked questions regarding compliance and any questions submitted. Check out our Compliance page on our website!


3/9/2018 Newsletters

Office365 Espionage Scam: Are You Aware and Ready? 

Have you noticed that the most recent reports of email scams seem to be more personal/targeted attacks? Do you feel that scammers know you? That’s because they do know you.Office 365 gives malicious agents a way to spy on you. If you don’t believe us, just google it yourself and you will see reports of Office365 vulnerabilities, hacks and exposures. Just type “Office365 security vulnerabilities” and skip paid ads section. 
Do you use Office365? If the answer is yes, Digital Edge would like to raise awareness to you regarding a new upcoming way of being hacked and then being under surveillance through your email. The majority of people use Office365 without the thought of being hacked ever crossing their minds. Because of this, it is very easy to become victim to these attackers. And there have been very serious, very extreme cases of people and companies losing thousands of dollars to these attackers.


3/7/2018 Newsletters

Digital Edge Successfully Passed ISO 27001 Audit

This past weekend (March 3-4th) Digital Edge passed another ISO 27001:2013 Information Technology Security Management System Requirements surveillance audit!  Our ISO Certification is up to date with no interruptions or non-conformities! We would like to thank our staff and support for dedicating their time in getting certified. Digital Edge is an expert in ISO standards, we offer assistance in ISO Certification for companies that need to stay in compliance. 

The Digital Edge Security and Compliance Team can assist your business to implement policies, standards and practices based on International Standards Organization framework! Contact us today to further explore how our team can provide your business with an unparalleled cybersecurity solution, with our continued focus on Stability, Security, Efficiency and Compliance.

3/2/2018 Newsletters

SEC Statement and Interpretive Guidance on Company Cybersecurity Disclosures

Last Wednesday, February 21st, The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) unanimously approved a new guidance calling on public companies to be more forthcoming when disclosing cybersecurity risks, even before a breach or attack happens. The statement, which expands on previous guidance issued in 2011, also warns that corporate insiders must not trade shares when they have information about cybersecurity issues that isn’t public yet. The guidance provides the Commission’s views about public companies’ disclosure obligations under existing law with respect to matters involving cybersecurity risk and incidents.  It also addresses the importance of cybersecurity policies and procedures and the application of disclosure controls and procedures, insider trading prohibitions, and Regulation FD and selective disclosure prohibitions in the cybersecurity context. Learn more about this guidelines here

Digital Edge is an expert in ISO standards, and is certified by International Standard Organization on Information Security and Quality (ISO 27001). The Digital Edge Security and Compliance Team can assist your business to implement policies, standards and practices that not only meet the SEC guidance but exceed these recommendations by providing clients with cybersecurity policies and procedures based on International Standards Organization framework.

Contact us today to further explore how our team can provide your business with an unparalleled cybersecurity solution, with our continued focus on Stability, Security, Efficiency and Compliance.

2/12/2018 Newsletters

DFS - Certification of Compliance - Due 2/15/2018!

New York State Department of Financial Services recently updated its web page to indicate that any covered entities (i.e., agencies, insurance agents or insurance brokers) that already submitted their Certification of Compliance, needs to do so again after Monday, Jan. 1, 2018. 

According to the department, "The Certification of Compliance certifies that a Covered Entity complied with 23 NYCRR 500 for the entire calendar year. As such, the department only expects to receive a Certification of Compliance between January 1 and the February 15 deadline for the previous calendar year. Unless a Covered Entity is ceasing department-authorized operations before that year end, a Certification of Compliance before year end will not satisfy the requirement that a Covered Entity certify its compliance as of year-end."

The NYDFS Cyber Security Regulation (23NYCRR500) requires all New York-licensed insurance agencies, agents and brokers to file a certification of compliance, prior to Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018, and annually thereafter. The certification confirms that the licensed entity has complied with the regulation to the extent required, which includes conducting a risk assessment and developing cybersecurity programs and policies based upon that risk assessment. 

Digital Edge is an expert in ISO standards, is certified by International Standard Organization on Information Security and Quality (ISO 27001). There is a clear crosswalk between DFS law and ISO standards. Digital Edge will help to implement policies, standards and practices to cover all DFS requirements based on International Standards Organization framework.

Contact us today to further explore how our team can provide your business with an unparalleled cybersecurity solution, with our continued focus on Stability, Security, Efficiency and Compliance

For more information on this regulation and to ensure that your organization is following the critical compliance requirements, please read our most recent articles:

  1. DFS Compliance – Mandatory Cybersecurity Requirements
  2. To Do: Check List to Comply with DFS Cybersecurity Law
  3. Discover the NEW online DFS Cybersecurity Reporting Portal
  4. Exempt from DFS Cybersecurity Regulations – Now What?