
FundCount has partnered with Digital Edge in the AWS realm to provide a wide range of DevOps and SysOps services

FundCount has partnered with Digital Edge in the AWS realm to provide a wide range of DevOps and SysOps services to FundCount SaaS clients. Digital Edge successfully collaborated with FundCount to architect, deploy, and support the award-winning Accounting, Analysis, and Reporting software hosted on AWS.

As an ISO 27001 certified and AWS managed service provider, Digital Edge offers the most advanced security and technology available, including AWS Control Tower, IaaC, WAF, CloudWatch, Sophos CloudOptix, and XDR.

In addition to extensive AWS expertise, the Digital Edge team has in-depth knowledge of FundCount software beyond standard Managed Service Level 1 and 2 support. As a result, Digital Edge facilitates all FundCount operations in AWS, except for code troubleshooting and changes.
Digital Edge runs FundCount SaaS in AWS following NIST CSF 800 standards. All controls are auditable and will meet compliance checks.

FundCount partnered with Digital Edge because of the company’s longstanding reputation as a trusted AWS and traditional technology leader with fail-safe security and compliance features and vast experience in setting up secured and compliant environments in AWS.

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